( This is the bit at the end of the story, but I have decided to write it first for dramatic effect.)
When news filtered through the doggy community that the big black dog had gone away, I was beside myself with grief. I hid amongst the gravestones, crying and wrote a poem. This is the poem I wrote ...
Old Friends
Faintest whispers
fleeting mallards
the morning air
Strange mists
of time
on a skyline
of tolling churchbells
I see a dog
leaping frantically
in the nursery
of lifes embrace
a mischevous pup
in a field of dreams
(The above picture is the cover of an ep called the beginning by a band I have never even heard of. I am using it to let you know that this is the beginning of my blog)
This story is about an angel who came to earth disguised as a big black dog.
In March 1975 I lost a testicle after a classroom scuffle with another boy. I awoke the following morning in a hospital bed believing I had been abducted by aliens. Little Grandma always told me that I referred to myself as 'the odd man out'.
I returned to school in late June and on that very same morning, the Headmaster, Mr.Gillam told the entire school what had become of me. I felt powerless, and knew that life would never be the same again.
In 1981 I attended big school for the first time. This would be my big chance to leave behind the trauma I had suffered in losing a testicle. Unfortunately, this was short-lived. Within days, some of the other kids had started to call me “One Ball”. I was devastated.
Being on the recieving end of a nasty bully can be horrid. ( Bullies have difficulty seeing the love in other people. They are like an eclipse of the sun which blocks its light )
I lived in fear of bullies. I was humiliated, ridiculed, kicked in the testicle, punched in the face, pinned to the floor and forced to eat handfuls of grass like a cow. I started to experience severe panic attacks.
Mum and Dad took me to see Dr Muckerji who was a very nice indian man who wore thick rimmed jam jar spectacles,and spoke in an accent I couldn't understand. He prescribed Valium (which is a drug that makes people forget things) and I became a zombie. ( A Zombie is a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force)
I felt so embarrassed and ashamed that I didn't express the hurt to anyone.

In a nutshell ...

Boss also had a passion for water. One hot summers afternoon he leapt into Queens Park boating lake and did the doggy paddle for 4 hours. During this time he stole an oar from two people in a rowing boat, almost got me beaten up by the park keeper, and ruined my new flat top haircut (see right) for which I had saved up all my paper round money. Bosses obsession for water didn't stop with boating lakes; he swam in everything from sea to raging rivers, puddles to sewers!
Boss lived in the corner house on the opposite side of the road. His owner Fred, was a retired butcher who had stacks of cash but refused to spend it. Fred would spend most nights in the Thwaites Arms getting Brahms and List.(This is cockney rhyming slang for pissed or drunk) The pub was 5 minutes walk from the house, but Fred insisted on taking the car. One Christmas, during a drink driving campaign in the local area Fred was stopped by the police because he was driving wonkily. He was banned from driving for 2 years.

Fred was married to Mary. She was as tough as old boots. Boss was terrified of Mary. She only had to bang on the window and give him 'that look' and he would freeze on the spot, before dashing back into the house.
I walked Boss in Whalley New Road Cemetry. The cemetery was a world within a world; vast and ancient with lots of space for dead people - like 'The Blackburn Giant'.

The cemetery attracted keen dog walkers from all over town. Older people like Jack Brown who owned a German shepherd dog called Rocky. Jack told me long winded jokes and made me laugh until my sides ached. He could talk a glass eye to sleep. Jack had a painful condition called kidney stones (which meant that he had to hold his wifes hand when he had a wee)

Boss also had a nephew called Sam (which was short for Stanley Kurbrick - the picture on the left Stan- the pup). The Kurbrick lodged at a house on Cranshaw Drive with my sister Julie and her husband Chris. Chris was like a big brother to me. We frequently walked the dogs together, drank brown ale and chatted freely about life. Julie and Chris eventually got divorced because they kept arguing about trivial things like washing powder brands. My sister re- married and got divorced again (because she still insisted on arguing about trivial things like washing powder brands) but some things never change and that is why Chris still remains to this day- my big brother.

'True friendship reveals itself in time - not only in the sense of time spent together getting to know one another, but also in the sense that it is through the ravages as well as the easier times in life that we come to see 'who our friends are' Marianne Williamson
Whalley New Road cemetery became a scary place after the demented dog incident. Things started to fall apart. Boss' owner Fred refused to pay for a vet , so I took matters into my own hands and took him myself. When the truth finally surfaced I had an explosive argument with Fred and Mary, and they refused to let me see the dog . I was heart broken.
Everyday Boss would sit at the window and wait patiently for me to come. He watched the seasons come and go and the years roll by and he waited and he waited ...
Boss' great escape occured on Boxing day - Christmas 1989 ( I often wonder if Boss had dug a tunnel like Andy in the film Shawshank Redemption and made his escape) I remember it well; I heard the gate rattling outside the house, and decided to investigate, and when I opened the front door it was Boss. He greeted me with a bark. I ran to the gate and pulled him close. His fur was dry and and matted and he smelt of cigar smoke. ( This was probably Fred's cigar smoke because Boss was a non smoker)

(This is the bit that I used for dramatic effect at the start of my story.)
When news filtered through the doggy community that the big black dog had gone away, I was beside myself with grief. I hid amongst the gravestones, crying and wrote a poem. This is the poem I wrote ...
Old Friends
Faintest whispers
fleeting mallards
the morning air
Strange mists
of time
on a skyline
of tolling churchbells
I see a dog
leaping frantically
in the nursery
of lifes embrace
a mischevous pup
in a field of dreams
Boss knew only Love - sharing, giving, extending. (he didn't care if people loved him - he just loved them anyway) Love is the recognition of the lines of joining - the oneness - which exists between us all and ALL THAT IS - human, animal or otherwise. Boss was a true friend, who came into my life during a hard to understand time, when I had lost hope and felt completely unlovable. He helped me to understand the importance of trust, tolerance, gentleness, defenselessness, generosity, patience, faithfulness, open- mindedness, acceptance and Love. (This helped me to forgive the bullies - because they needed love too.) Boss showed me a brave new world filled with endless possiblities - and for the briefest moment we lost sight of separate interests. Looking back; that 'chance meeting' with the big black dog in the snow just might have been enough to save my life.
God - Spelled Backwards
When God had made the earth and sky
The flowers and the trees
He then made all the animals
The fish, the birds and bees
And when at last he'd finished
Not one was quite the same
He said I'll walk this world of mine
And give each one a name
And so he travelled far and wide
And everywhere he went
A little creature followed him
Until it's strength was spent
When all were named upon the earth
And in the sky and sea
The little creature said ' Dear Lord
Theres not one left for me
Kindly the Father said to him
' Ive left you to the end
I've turned my own name back to front
And called you DOG my friend'.
Author unknown
Nige... the heart and soul that went into this post are tangible. Thank you for sharing what is such an important part of who you are. I love the photos, and the final pic of Boss is absolutely fitting - he looks so wise.
It's so nice to be reminded that it's okay just to do things spontaneously, sometimes stubbornly and imperfectly - Boss always did things his own way, as you wrote, and had he not done that, he would have been a very different doggy.
It reminds me that it's safe for me to just be me.
I loved reading this post, feeling what you did for Boss. What a beautiful poem. Thank you for showing me again and again proof that writing from the heart translates to others, and thank you for your own unique voice and creativity that I am so enjoying.
XO Brooke
You know what, I'm quite surprised as I always looked on you in secondary school as a very confident young man, flat top and all. I was the nerdy one - picked on by others - but you where in my eyes cool.... Isn't perception a funny thing.
Loved the line about your Julie and her washing powder, made me smile!
Also made me think back to my Black Lab Brandy, nice memories, there's some snaps on my facebook, looks just like Boss!
Nige. There is so much sweetness here. And character. And love.
I'm sitting here in my living room, thousands & thousands of miles away, feeling so much love for that big black dog & you & the sweetness you shared.
These words that you left on my blog today, "It's safe to let go," so touched me.
Thank you.
Wow that was a really nice post Nige, I mean the next doctor :) Haha, you'll know who this is and what I'm talking about! See you at work :)
A thought provoking post, it gives hope to all of us who have been bullied along the way - Boss has made such a difference to your life. It's amazing how things have a way of working out, even if at the time it seems like all the world is against us.
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